I went to bed late hoping to pass out and stay out all night. Just as I was getting ready to shut off the lights there was a sudden crack of thunder and a flash of light.Expat Son came and said he was going to sleep on Dad's side of the bed, not because he was afraid he said. Another loud crack of thunder over head made us both jump! It was time to run around and shut down computers so they don't fry, which has happened so many times in our lives here in China. I run back upstairs after checking the doors one last time. Then I look outside, a real squall of wind and not just buckets, but sheets of rain were coming down. Then as I climb into bed and set down to read a page or two the lights dim and get extra bright, we could here the electricity pause just before it got bright. A surge .... I dim the lamp and decide to read in order to relax again before I turn out the light, and I wonder if I will actually be the one that turns the light out or if natures fury will do it for me. Well it was I who turned it out tonight, but. a few hours later I was awaken, by what, I am not sure... a slight tickly throat and a snoot full of mucous, had to get up and find the kleenex, then as I lay back down I hear it, what I don't know. A bump, a groan, noises just enough to get my imagination going. Then I think oh the power surge might have triggered the garage door to open, no I think as I lay there thinking, more noises, oh crud what can it be? I get up and turn on a light, go downstairs to investigate my theory, and I hope not to find anyone in the house that should not be here. As I look around the semi lit room I see nothing unusual, I unlock the door to the garage and have a peek, the garage door is closed so my theory of it going up is wrong. Oh brother, I think as I climb the stairs again, I fill a glass of water at the water dispenser before I head back to my bedroom. I lay down again lights off in hopes of sleep. It doesn't come but the noises start again,bump,thud, groan. After 20 more minutes I decide to get up again...this time to turn the computer on and hope to wile away a little time on the internet. The storm has passed so it is safe to turn it all back on again. So back down stairs I head after turning on the lights. I fire up the computer and patiently wait. I hear a thud above me and I think, great there is someone in here with me and I am screwed. What will I do.... I say a silent prayer and tell the computer to hurry up and boot so I can go upstairs and get busy on my lap top. Finally I am connected and have a signal downstairs if all goes well the laptop will work upstairs in my room, and I can forget about the noises I keep hearing. I climb the stairs once again,I get the laptop from the family room where I used it last, I see my mug and fill it with hot water as I pass the water dispenser, in hopes of drinking the hot liquid it will settle me down. As I set the mug of water down on my bedside table I hear a few more bumps and groans. That is it I say to myself, I close my bedroom door and lock it ! I fire up the lap top and no connection.. ugh.. I reboot and pray I won't have to open my door to get a signal to the network. I see the little lights blink and the little globe appear.. woohoo, I am in connected!
So the boogie man can keep making those noises, I will be safe in my room from those noises the rest of the night.
I really hate nights that I have an overactive imagination. So much for getting a good nights rest.