We just got back from our holiday and while in and out of the earshot of the television while getting things in order, and fixing Birthday Dinner and Dessert for hubby's birthday yesterday I did not hear to much except, something about Dick Cheney??
So this morning while in the shower I am watching the news, not sure which rag it was on the CNN (Commie News Network) or the BBC ( Boring Brood of Commies). One of the the talking heads was talking to someone, I have no clue as to who as the shampoo was in my face at the time. But the question put forth was that doesn't this latest make Dick Cheney a political problem for George Bush?Then there is this article... on CNN that almost accuses Cheney of doing it intentionally?Like he was out for blood.....
During Tuesday's White House news conference, spokesman Scott McClellan was asked if waiting 14 hours after the shooting before Cheney spoke with police was appropriate, and whether an average citizen would have been afforded the same amount of time.
"That was what was arranged with the local law enforcement authorities," McClellan said. "You ought to ask them that question."
EXCUSE ME!!! Hello!!!! Dick Cheney was out hunting with a buddy and he accidentally shot the guy! How does this have anything to do with politics.
Hunting accidents happen sometimes and they are something every hunter hopes will never happen!
Growing up in a household where my parents enjoyed the outdoors, fishing ,camping and shooting,and hunting. We all of us learned how to use firearms and the rules that go with it. Not to mention the respect you have of those firearms and yes hunter and gun safety. We all learned to love the outdoors as well.
Granted when I was fifteen, I was not thrilled about, not having a shower for a week during hunting season, no flush toilets, and not being able to take my curling iron and blow dryer with me and all the makeup too. But I survived and learned to love the outdoors and I appreciate that now as a parent.
It is unfortunate that this happened to Dick Cheney and his hunting buddy, but it is not Political at all in my eyes and any right minded person knows this is not political.Meanwhile Dick Cheney is beside himself and hoping that his friend will recover. I can only imagine.
This is just another attempt for the media to drag Cheney and Bush through the ringer again. Perhaps the media should be dragging the real corrupt people at the UN through the ringer instead. I really get sick of the media trying to twist things to make a story.
The other night we watched the OO7 movie Tomorrow Never Dies and I can really see parallels in that movie with the stories that happen on the news. Maybe not to the extreme of starting wars... but perhaps....