Just when I am feeling renewed and beginning to tackle the life of an ex-pat mom in China... Ex-pat son gets sick. I am not surprised and it was OK, I was just hanging out in the local pub watching the Super Bowl with Hubby and friends when I got the call. Not that I hang out in pubs during the day ...very often ...except to have lunch.... After picking son up from school we headed home. I thought maybe it was just a sinus headache when he called, more to do with his allergies to mold and dogs. Being the thorough mom that I am though, when we got home I took a temperature and he was running a fever. I did the prerequisite quiz and made him blow and tell me what color was in the tissue, pressed his cheek bones and forehead and looked in his throat. Then I called the clinic made the appointment and we headed to see the doctor. The doctor did the same routine I did at home and said, that Ex-pat son needed to be put on antibiotics.
I missed my calling, I really should have gone to medical school.
Not really a food related post, I know... but Doctor Mom ordered up another batch of homemade soup which is simmering in the pot as I write. My helper Ling is getting really good at making soup lately. I am so glad that she is good at it too. So here is a photo of the soup in progress.
The recipe is included though it may seem a little strange since we use pork bones, because, it is difficult to get nice beef bones here. So we adapt our cooking as best we can...for life in China.
Ex-pat son likes this soup..He was given his choice of this one or the Chicken Soup.
This was his choice.
Hey the post is food related now!
Beef Broth
4-5 liters water
1 Pork bone
500g beef
1 onion
3 stalks
1 large carrot
2 cubes of vegetable OXO
Put meat, bone and veggies in the pot, cook for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Take all of the ingredients out of the pot. Cut the meat into small pieces and add new carrot, onion, celery, and any other vegetables you would like to the broth. Cook for 10-15 minutes
Add the OXO cubes for flavor if needed and Salt and Pepper to taste.
You may also enjoy putting noodles in the soup.
That's it...
Prescribed by Doctor Mom